Following recent headlines and TV series such as the BBC’s Blue Planet, it seems as though more and more of us in the UK are becoming aware of the impacts we are having on the environment. Where we can, we all make our best efforts to claw back some of the damage we have already done by recycling where possible, finding ways to use renewable energy and thinking more about the brands we are buying from and how they produce their products.

Online clothing retailer Clothes2Order, recently conducted a survey to find out more about the UK views on eco-friendly consumerism, as well as their thoughts on brands ethical practices. The survey uncovered that the main reason that people are making more environmentally conscious decisions when it comes to shopping is that they genuinely care about the environment and the direct impact they are having on it.

When it comes to brands and their manufacturing methods, it is clear from the survey that people are conscious of where their products are coming from with 50% of those surveyed having conducted research into a brand and its ethical practices prior to making a purchase and another 44% admitting to previously boycotting a brand based upon its ethics or eco-policies.

It seems as though there is a growing passion amongst UK consumers to do their part in keeping the planet in as good of a condition as possible and restoring any damage we have already done. Interestingly the survey revealed that women have a little more desire to do this than men, with 65% of women saying that they purchase more from eco-friendly brands compared to 62% of men.

It is not only consumers that are becoming savvy to the rise in ethical consumerism, brands are also stepping up their game and making their customers more aware of the ethical practices they follow, such as fashion brand People Tree who only partner with Fair Trade producers, farmers and factories and grocery chain Co-Op who is also a strong advocate for Fair Trade products and actively works to promote ethically sourced products.

No matter how many brands promote their environmentally friendly methods there are still some skeptics out there that don’t always believe that brands are fully committed to the practices in which they preach. 21% of those surveyed believe that brands only adopt eco-friendly behaviour for marketing purposes, with men being the more skeptical of the bunch.

The survey uncovered much more interesting data on the UKs views towards greener shopping. You can read more about the survey findings here: