Modern people prefer to use not only real money but also credit cards to pay their bills. Everybody knows that traveling is an expensive hobby, but bank cards may relieve the situation, and, in the case of proper use, even can give you the opportunity to travel for free. How may it happen? The leading global banks offer different reward systems to use their plastics in trips. In general, such a system is called “miles and points,” which means miles to use in airline companies to have a ticket and points to have great discounts in hotels. Thus, the collection of miles and points can even become your hobby, if you are interested in saving on travel. The range of suggestions in this field is very wide, therefore, you may need a professional help if you want to choose your first touristic plastic and not to regret about it.

You can see expert recommendations at to choose the best travel credit plastics to achieve your goals.

Our Choice

Different banks make various offers and it can be very difficult to understand the benefits of one or another. So, we did it instead of you and selected only the most profitable ones. They are: Barclaycard Arrival Plus and Chase Freedom Unlimited touristic credit plastics. What benefits do they have?

Barclaycard Arrival Plus

  • Sign-up bonus. You will have 50,000 bonus miles as a benefit. Obligatory condition: spend 3,000 dollars during the first three months from the date of account’s opening.
  • Annual fee. The first year of use costs $89 in case if you meet all requirements to become a cardholder.
  • Foreign transaction fee – none. You will not pay any commissions to make your purchases abroad.
  • General cash back limit – no limit.
  • Cash back from restaurants and shopping. 2.1% cash back on dining and all other purchases (in the case of redeeming 100 dollars and travel purchases). Thus, you may double all your points with the help of your plastic friend. Miles counted by use of the plastic do not expire as long as your account is open.

Chase Freedom Unlimited

  • Sign-up bonus. You get 150 dollars as a benefit. Obligatory condition: spend 500 dollars for shopping during the first three months of account’s usage.
  • Annual fee. None, the plastic is absolutely free for cardholders.
  • Foreign transaction fee. Foreign transaction commissions take 3% from the sum of each purchase made abroad.
  • General cash back limit. Unlimited.
  • Cash back from restaurants and shopping. 1.5% unlimited cash back for every purchase made abroad, including eating out in restaurants.
  • Each dollar in the reward program is equal to 100 points. Thus, you will have a good choice: money or more discounts during the next journey.

Hence, having all the above-mentioned information, you will be able to select the best variant to satisfy your wants.