Recovery after injury: Recommendations on how to recuperate after an accident By Angelica Malin
Accidents are regrettable occurrences. They put you in a vulnerable position, and you may have a hard time realising in which direction you should proceed in order to regain your life’s stability. You may also feel frustrated to have to get through a period of convalescence and may struggle with negative emotions in addition to your physical injury. The severity of the damage does not matter necessarily; even minor wounds can impact your quality of life and force you to adjust your daily routine around them.
The rehabilitation period is very important in order to ensure you go back to your usual self. Recovery doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a step-by-step process. You need to approach your recovery gradually and give yourself room to adapt, as your body accommodates all the changes you have to make. Here are some suggestions on which steps to make sure you integrate into your getting better process to have the best comeback possible.
Get plenty of rest
When getting better after suffering an accident, you need to prioritise your sleep. Don’t focus on what is said to be the optimal amount of sleep; focus on what works for you. Listen to your body, and if after ten hours of sleep is when you feel well-rested, get the ten hours of sleep even if you read somewhere that eight is the ideal amount. Make sure to take small breaks throughout the day whenever you feel you need them. Any additional strain you put on yourself may result in an increased recuperation period. Even if you’re nearing the end of your healing, don’t jump straight into resuming your activity at your usual pace. Sometimes the damage done to the body can be silent, and you might not be fully healed even if it feels like you are. Take things easily.
Relax your mind
The state of mind you’re into affects the speed of your recovery as well. It may seem close to impossible to keep a positive outlook during an uncomfortable, stressful and uncertain situation. But maintaining your positivity means that your entire perspective on the experience is different. Wholesome, constructive emotions mean that you’re more likely to familiarise yourself faster with your treatment and have increased confidence in your process. Do whatever activities you feel will boost your morale during this time, as long as they don’t clash with your physical recovery. Your physical recovery is of utmost importance, but you will find that your mental health suffers more in the event of an accident in which you are the innocent, but injured party because you did nothing wrong and you still suffer. If the accident wasn’t your fault, seek the help of a No Win No Fee solicitor, a legal expert who can help you in your endeavour so you can concentrate all your efforts on getting better. Feeling like you were the victim of injustice will strain your mind, and you want to avoid that.
Exercise can sound counterproductive after all the previous advice of sparing yourself as much effort as possible. Of course, in the case of some very severe injuries, your ability to exercise in any way would be minimal, if not completely non-existent. But there are also many types of injuries that improve with light exercise targeting the problem areas. If you have a regular workout regime, you may feel tempted to keep it up, but that is very ill-advised. Instead, start out slowly and test your limits. If certain movements cause you pain or other discomforts, it is best to put physical activity on hold. Remember that walking counts as exercise as well; there’s no need to run a marathon to work out. Minimal training ensures your muscles and joints don’t become too weak during your longer periods of respite, so go for it if you can practice it safely.
Good nutrition is key
It should go without saying that feeding yourself good food does wonders for your health. This is a generally accepted truth, but it is all the more important to be careful what you eat when you’re recovering after an accident. Start your day with some fortified cereals. Grains such as barley and oats contain good carbs and provide slow, sustained energy release, which means you won’t struggle with feeling sluggish throughout the day. The zinc content in cereals is also important for your immune system to function properly. Fish, such as salmon, trout, cod or mackerel, is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which improve inflammation and aid in recovery—getting enough protein matters since proteins help in the regeneration and rejuvenation of cells. Choose chicken, sirloin or turkey like healthy alternatives, as you should focus on lean meat. And as always, don’t skip out on your fruits and veggies. Spinach, carrots, broccoli and citrus fruits supply you with a number of vitamins and minerals so that your tissues and bones recover quickly.
Regain your strength
Going back to your previous strength and mobility levels after an accident may be challenging. You can struggle with movements and activities that came easily to you in the past. It can also be the case that you feel less confident and sure of yourself after experiencing an injury. These feelings are all normal, and it’s good to err on the side of caution until you feel that you’re in tip-top shape. However, if you think that negative emotions are hindering your recovery, consider the advice of a therapist. They can help you work through whatever is troubling you and offer you the reassurance you need. Physical rehabilitation services offer multilateral services so that you can get back on your feet and have your full strength and ability at your side.
Learn to prevent future injury
After healing from an accident, it is best to assess the situation to make sure you avoid similar experiences in the future as much as possible. Nothing can be prevented with 100% certainty, but you can develop strategies to keep yourself out of harm’s reach as best you can. The actions you take and the systems you put in place for yourself will depend on the type of accident you were part of. If your accident happened at work, you could consider wearing protective clothing in the future. If you were the victim of a car crash, you might decide to drive more vigilantly, and if you became injured while at the gym, you could learn to exercise more safely in the future.
There are many things to do in order to ensure you recover properly after an injury. The most important thing is to be patient and trust the process.