Discover the secrets of PR pitching in 2020 with award-winning journalist and Editor-in-Chief of About Time Magazine Angelica Malin on Monday 5th October at 6pm. 

In this 60-minute workshop, Editor-in-Chief of About Time Magazine Angelica Malin, will talk you through pitching journalists and publications in 2020. Angelica is an award-winning journalist, who was long-listed for BSME’s Editor’s Editor of the Year 2019 – she’s also author of #SheMadeIt and writes freelance for national publications, including Business Insider, Telegraph and Grazia.

It’s a weird time for everyone and having the most up-to-date information on what a journalist is looking for when pitching a story right now, will help your PR strategy. Angelica will explain the process of pitching, how to find your ‘story’ and amplify your press-worthiness (including writing a great press release) and give insider tips on what stories journalists really want right now.

Here’s some of the insights she’ll sharing:

– How to write a great press release

– How to use stats to sell a story

– How to approach journalists who are working from home

– How to look for PR opportunities

– How to discover what press coverage suits your business

– How to clarify your brand message and story

There will be also be a Q&A at the end of the session. By purchasing a consultancy ticket, you’ll also get discounted one-on-one PR coaching with Angelica (normally £100 for 60-minute session) after the workshop. Book here.