Successfully running three practices across London specialising in cosmetic dental treatments and facial aesthetics, Dr Krystyna is the lady in the know when it comes to all things beauty. Incredibly passionate about how the industry has evolved, Krystyna’s treatments are natural looking, and specifically tailored to each individual. We chatted to Krystyna about the Dr K brand, the ever popular teeth whitening treatment, and the growing aesthetics scene in the capital:

Tell us a little bit about yourself – did you always want to work in the dental and aesthetic industry?

I’m a fully qualified cosmetic dental surgeon and facial aesthetician based in and around London. I moved to London 8 years ago after growing up just outside in Guildford, Surrey. Following completion of my dental degree at the University of Leeds in 2010, I have undertaken a vast amount of post-graduate training which has enabled me to provide advanced treatments at a high standard.

I’m a member of The British Dental Associate, The Royal College of Surgeons Faculty of Dental Surgery and the International Team for Implantology. Throughout my career I have always been dedicated to beauty and aesthetic treatment and has received training from prestigious academies in both New York and London Harley Street.

My main focus is on delivering high quality enhancements in both facial rejuvenation and cosmetic dentistry to deliver truly undetectable, natural looking results. Both my parents are dentists, and from an incredibly young age I always knew I wanted to work in that industry. It wasn’t until about 5 years ago I realised the way the aesthetic industry has evolved and I became passionate about aesthetics.

What’s your specific areas are you qualified in? 

1. Dentistry: cosmetic, general and surgical.

2. Facial Aesthetics including advanced filler, botox and skin treatment.

What is ‘SoDrK’ ? 

This all started one day when I was at work nattering to a client and basically said ‘Oh I love her, she is So DR.K’ (so my thing, so my brand, so what I’m about). Its funny how these things stick, because my patient laughed and since then I have basically branded things I like or I have done: ‘SoDRK”,!

What’s your most popular treatment?

The top 3 treatments I find most people ask for is teeth whitening, botox and lip fillers.

What do you think of the aesthetics scene in London right now?

It’s HUGE, and its only getting bigger and bigger. I think because of programmes such a Love Island or Big Brother, there has been a massive shift in what people think about aesthetic treatments. In the past, most clients would be very discreet about any sort of cosmetic treatment (whether it be dental or facial), they they’ve had. Nowadays, people seem more open and treatments are more readily available to the public.

Let’s talk healthy teeth – how can you keep your pearly whites clean?

Well, first things first, brush them! For optimum oral health and pearly gnashers, you should brush twice a day with an electric tooth brush, floss and mouthwash. Regular trips to the dental hygienist for deep cleaning is also key. This will get rid of those classic coffee/red wine and tea stains.

Is teeth whitening all its cracked up to be?

Oh yes! It’s a fantastic way to enhance the aesthetics of your teeth without causing any physical damage. In the past, patients would have their front teeth drilled down to a point and then a porcelain crown cemented over the top to try and improve their smile. Since tooth bleaching was launched, we can get whiter teeth in a safe way! The results are excellent.

Talk us through a regular day at Dr K:

I wake up at 6.30 and get myself straight out the door for a gym class. I normally try and workout 4-5 times a week as I find it is a good stress release and the endorphin rush really keeps me alive! Monday-Wednesday, I work as a cosmetic dentist. I will design smile makeovers and treatment plan for patients wanting Invisalign, whitening and composite bonding.

Evenings are spent catching up with pals either at work out classes or over dinner. Once home, I will wind down and make sure I’m in bed by 10pm!

How hard was it to get your business off the ground?

In all honesty, its been a really challenging but exciting journey, and there is WAY more to come. If you’d have asked me 5 years ago, would I be launching an aesthetics clinic, I’d have said no way. I actually thought I was going to be a dental implant surgeon. It’s funny how things change!

I embarked on an aesthetic course, after my mother who is also a dentist went on one, and said how amazing it was she could do her own botox. I thought to myself, that is so useful; being able to keep yourself looking refreshed. Following that, I undertook several training programmes myself in both NYC and London, Harley street. I learnt very quickly that these treatments were becoming increasingly popular and I was getting requests daily from family, friends and friends of friends to do their botox, filler etc.

How did you first get people talking about Dr K?

The DrK brand itself grew very organically. I found that I attracted clients who were of similar age to me and wanted to have treatment that I would very happily, and have happily performed on myself. I think that may have been my biggest selling point; I was aways very open to having botox and fillers and proved to clients that it IS possible to have it done in a natural way.

What do you love about London?

It has everything; culture, history, restaurants, pops-ups, parties, festivals, bars, rooftops, members clubs, fitness and boutiques.

Favourite restaurant in London is:

Pret…joke. Although I love pret. I’m not much of a foodie, but I love Village East in London Bridge. Good food and it’s 5 minutes from my house.

For more information on Dr Krystyna, see here

Alicia Grimshaw

Alicia is a features writer at About Time. A Northerner with a passion for eggs, brunch & HIIT, she can usually be found wearing matching prints and battling press releases. Don’t ever tell her your brand is ‘guilt-free’.