Generally speaking, real estate is a good investment. There is one thing for sure, property is always needed, and they are not making any more of it. Most financial advisors teach us that property has a significant place in our financial futures. In 2017, people were told that the ratio of real estate in a personal financial portfolio should equal about 10%. Today, things have changed. There are many ways to make money and many ways to diversify your portfolio. If you invest wisely, with the help of the right professionals, you can grow your wealth by investing 80% – 90% of your current money in property. 

Why Invest?

Have you ever known someone who inherited money from a relative who passed away? That relative probably worked very hard to earn that money or someone passed it down to them and it had been invested wisely and they had spent only the money that the money had earned in interest. But, if the new owner of the cash begins spending and has no way to replenish it, they will eventually go broke. Millionaires who remain millionaires, invest their money in something that will make a profit and keep their money growing. This is how their money works for them.  

Lottoland provides a great example. In order to help their winners get off on the right foot, they provide qualified professional advisors to help them understand what they will be facing. They explain the temptations that they will face. They show them how they can be sure to have money for the rest of their lives. With that in mind, we want to share with you the best way to spend a lottery windfall. This is like some of the publications the winners are provided with.

As reported in Forbes, buying property in 2021 is not only a good investment, it is very smart. If you have a lot of money and can buy high-end real estate, that is great. But even smaller winners can invest in (smaller pieces of) property and make a good profit and return on investment in record time.

It is up to you how involved you want to be

When we suggest buying property, a lot of people immediately think of being a landlord, collecting rent, and getting calls on the weekend complaining of a leaky pipe. They recoil. That is no one’s idea of enjoying a huge lottery win. While that is one way to do it, it is not the only way. First, there are property management companies that you can hire to manage your properties and all of those annoyances. But, there are other ways to invest. 

At the end of the day, investing in property means buying property at one price, then selling it at a higher price later. It can mean buying a house, and collecting rent on the house as a monthly income, while (hopefully) the value of the house appreciates and is worth more if you sell it than you paid for it. 

You can also buy a residential or commercial property and use it to start a business. For instance, you can start a bed and breakfast or restaurant business on a recently bought property. If you take this investment route, make sure you have a business plan, the necessary permits, and restaurant insurance for a smoother flow of operations.  


Investing in a buy-to-let property, as stated above is buying a home or apartment with the intention of renting it out. The property belongs to you so you are responsible for the maintenance, required upkeep (heat and water) taxes, and insurance. Your renters are responsible for paying the rent on time and keeping the house clean and in good repair. If you’re looking for a city home, check out Sioux City Real Estate & Homes For Sale In IA

If you’re too busy with other investments or businesses, you can hire a property manager or landlord to manage your buy-to-let property. In that way, you have peace of mind knowing that someone is always available to address tenant complaints and concerns. This will also help ensure that your property is always in good condition by fixing any damage immediately before it worsens.

You should also consider working with a property investment company, like rw-invest.com. These help make the process easier, and can assist with helping you understand the more intricate details behind the big decisions (for example, which investment strategy is the best fit for your needs).

From an investment standpoint, you do your research and buy in an area where property values are going up. You check out your renters carefully and rent to people with a record of paying on time and obeying all of the rules. Over a period of time, the rent they pay will repay the investment you made. At that point, you are even. Now you can sell the house at a higher price than you paid for it and everything is your profit. If you sell before you have recovered your initial investment, you need to sell above what you paid to make a profit. 

Real estate investment trusts (REIT)

Investment trusts have been available on the market since 2007. This is a less risky investment for those who are new to property investment or just uncomfortable with it. 

With a real estate investment trust, at least 75% of the profits are required to come from the rental profits instead of the building itself. The rent can be projected well into the future so this is less stressful for the buyer. They further require that 90% of the property rental income is distributed to the investors as dividends. Investors get paid faster which makes them less hesitant to get on board. 

There are companies offering fractionalized real estate investment in the form of REITs.  Basically, these companies are quite similar to crowdfunding platforms. They pool investors’ money and fund real estate equities or debts, then each investor earns income through dividends since they technically own a portion of the real estate property acquired through the REIT. Furthermore, they make it easier for investors to invest through their website or mobile app, wherein you can invest as low as USD$50 and grow your money over time. However, like any other investment, there’s no high return guarantee. 

There are several types of REIT investments. They include:

  • Commercial 
  • Residential
  • Warehouses
  • Manufacturing facilities
  • E-commerce business
  • Shopping centers
  • Mini and mega malls

Be sure you seek the help of a professional before buying in this market. 

Smart moves

People who have money sometimes do not want to spend their time playing the market. They want to jump right to the big games. If that is the case, we urge you to work with professionals and to carefully determine how much money you are willing to invest, and how long you are willing to wait for the return on your investment. 

This is a great way to turn some unexpected money into security for your future. By investing a portion of your winnings, you will know there will be money in the future and if you are good at it, you can grow that money too. There is a world of opportunity for you out there. Be careful, be smart, and stay rich.