Finances can be a tricky thing to navigate, but it can be a lot harder to deal with financial emergencies when you aren’t prepared for one. If you are really strapped for cash then you can get Quick cash loans to help you out, but it’s best to avoid this where possible. Instead, preparing for an emergency before it happens is a good idea.

But how do you cope with a financial emergency once it’s already happened? What should you do? We’re here to help. Here’s our guide to coping with financial emergencies.

Think First

It is very easy to become flustered when you are in the midst of a financial emergency. You can become flustered and this can often make it challenging to think straight. If possible though, you should take some time to thoroughly think about your decision before doing anything. This can help you to make the best decisions for the future. After all, your financial decisions can have a huge effect on your future, so making the right choice is crucial. If you are struggling then it can sometimes help to speak to a financial advisor who can help you to figure out what the best thing will be for you to do going forward and run a full audit and compliance of your accounts.

Make sure that you take some time to evaluate the decision before you do it. For instance, getting a payday loan can sound like a good idea at the time but if it’s not possible for you to repay the loan when it’s time for the repayment, you can be stuck with massive amounts of interest that can put you in further debt. This is something that is best avoided.

Reassess Your Budget

If you are facing a financial emergency, the best thing to do is to take a careful look at your current expenses. Figure out what you are saving and what things you can cut out in order to make life a little easier for you in these times of strife. It can often make a huge difference when you are dealing with an unexpected payment or a loss of income.

For instance, get all of your budget together on a spreadsheet so you can truly figure out how much you are spending. Have a look at what you have been spending over the past two to three months. It’ll tell you where your money tends to go and how much you spend on a regular basis. 

Then, put the list into two categories. Figure out what’s essential and what things you can cut. Also, work out if there are any ways that you can reduce your expenses – for instance, can you get a reduced mortgage or phone bill? The tiniest of savings can make a huge difference.

Speak To Your Credit Card Provider

If you are struggling to pay your bills during an emergency, it’s possible to speak to your lenders directly in order to come to some sort of arrangement. Credit card companies know that sometimes it’s simply not possible to pay bills for one reason or another. You can avoid dealing with late payment issues that will affect your credit score if you simply speak to your provider. It’s also not a good idea to lean too much on your credit card, but if you need it then it can be helpful to use in this emergency situation if you don’t have other funds available. 

Find Ways To Improve Income

If you are low on money, then there may be some things that you can do to make your income a little better. For instance, can you or a family member take on an extra job for a while? This can help you to keep on earning enough to cover any deficit that may crop up. You could also do things like selling items that you make online. There are always ways that you can earn some extra cash if you need it.

Speak to Insurers

There’s a chance that you may be able to handle your financial emergency with insurance in some cases. For instance, if you have health insurance then you may be able to cover some of your medical expenses with that. You can use car insurance to help you to pay for repairs if your car has been damaged. There are a lot of options.


A financial emergency can be stressful, but take a moment to breathe. Think about your options and make the best decision with a level head. If you have any doubts, speak to a financial advisor to give you a little extra help.