You may have heard that energy drinks make you more alert and awake? But they can also be harmful if you drink too much of them. If you drink too much of certain varieties of energy drinks; you can suffer from something called caffeine poisoning. If you drink them simultaneously with alcohol; you risk getting a less sense of how intoxicated you are and  your heart rate will rise.

Here we have compiled some different facts on energy drinks; what they contain and how they may affect you.

Are Energy Drinks Dangerous?

The question if energy drinks are dangerous or not is up for debate. If you drink them in some moderation they’re not harmful;  this is actually proven by many surveys around the world.

Most energy drinks contain a relatively large amount of caffeine; often as much caffeine as you can find in a regular cup of coffee. There are however beverages  out there that contain much more caffeine than a regular energy drink, and if you drink a lot of them, you can risk to experience very unpleasant caffeine-effects. If you drink energy drinks simultaneously with alcohol, caffeine in the drinks may make you become less aware of how actually drunk you are.

For those who, because of an illness  must eat a diet in which the amount of protein is limited; it is important to know that energy drinks contain a relatively large amount of an amino acid called taurine.

Your weight affects the effect of energy drinks

Children and teens usually get more negative effects of caffeine than adults do; this can be symptoms like palpitations and headaches. This It is because they usually weigh less and therefore react to smaller amounts of the caffeine. Many adults also drink coffee regularly, allowing them to react less to some of the effects of caffeine than children and younger adults.

What effect does caffeine have on you?

Caffeine may increase alertness and mental activity, perfect when you feel like playing, for example some live casino – but keep in mind that caffeine do not make it  easier to learn and understand  things. Caffeine firstly stimulates your respiration and heart activity.

If you get too much caffeine you can suffer from sleep problems, headaches, anxiety, dizziness and palpitations. Large amounts of caffeine can also cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Of Course, different people react differently.

A can of energy drink with a contents of 250 milliliters; contain about 320 milligrams of caffeine per liter – this gives your body about as much caffeine as a cup of regular brewed coffee. But there are energy drinks that contain more caffeine – some have different fruit flavors and are similar to regular soft drinks, but contain as much caffeine as two cups of coffee per can.

How about the other substances in energy drinks?

The amount of glucuronolactone and taurine you get through energy drink-consumption are not dangerous. This, according to investigations by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). However, do not use the energy drinks to quench your thirst or as some kind of fluid replacement during exercise, or when you strain yourself physically in any way or form.